Little Memories of Melbourne
In 2020 we were fortunate in having a Writer in Residence – Rebecca Goldsmith as part of Writing Ambitions, a project funded by Arts Derbyshire & Arts Council England bringing writers to communities with festivals to work with local people on projects celebrating their towns.
Our community creative writing workshops were cancelled due to Covid 19, but Plan B Little Memories of Melbourne gathered comments about places and events in Melbourne which local people felt made Melbourne a great place to live, even in lockdown. The project was a big success during lockdown people put notes through our gallery door and by July both windows were covered in comments. Rebecca used these comments to create a poem GRASP which has was shared in print and as a beautiful poetry film ( ) which you can view via this link. Rebecca has captured Melbourne perfectly!
The feedback when it was shown in our Arts Melbourne Gallery and on our social media has been amazing.
Little Memories of Melbourne
In 2020 we were fortunate in having a Writer in Residence – Rebecca Goldsmith as part of Writing Ambitions, a project funded by Arts Derbyshire & Arts Council England bringing writers to communities with festivals to work with local people on projects celebrating their towns.
Our community creative writing workshops were cancelled due to Covid 19, but Plan B Little Memories of Melbourne gathered comments about places and events in Melbourne which local people felt made Melbourne a great place to live, even in lockdown. The project was a big success during lockdown people put notes through our gallery door and by July both windows were covered in comments. Rebecca used these comments to create a poem GRASP which has was shared in print and as a beautiful poetry film ( ) which you can view via this link. Rebecca has captured Melbourne perfectly!
The feedback when it was shown in our Arts Melbourne Gallery and on our social media has been amazing.